Friday, April 10, 2009

GOOD Friday

We just got home from church...a moving service, reminding us of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, for me. We sang, "all the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them". that had extra meaning for me this time. I think of how I've given up so much, my job (which was more than a job to me, so much more...) time, a bit of myself, much I've "given" up, but still I'm left with more every time I do. So that helps me know it's a God thing..he's calling me to better things, I just know it..and one of those is the face I get to gaze upon every night around midnight....
A couple other faces have joined me tonight, Colby and Tysen are here, right now snuggled into bed with Poppa watching Bolt. it's a sweet reminder of what the really good things in life are.
I must admit, I've been with out a radio job for a week, and I'm missing it. But I still have peace about it..and to further prove that God has a sense of I received my first job offer since leaving do the morning show on a OLDIES station! I told them I would consider if I could add in a few rocking Third Day, Casting Crowns, Jeremy Camp, songs along the way and continue to be me...Talk about an opportunity to evangelize!
so you never know what's around the next corner...
All I can say tonight is
Ain't God Good??
I'll be switching the blog address to very soon, since I see my link and my bio have been removed from the KCWN is watch for the move..and the new sight is called...
a Better Day.
I'll explain that one later, it's time to fix a snack for the movie crew!
Happy Easter!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

THANK YOU..many of you have written to me since i posted this last difficult post. God is taking care of me, your emails have come at JUST the right time, so you taking time to thank me for years of sharing on KCWN, have ministered to me MORE than you'll ever know...
On the radio right now, Kathleen Carnali, Carry Me. and before that my new personal favorite..Bebo's Pull Me Out.
and why am i UP at 11:20 when the BABY is asleep?? I think God just needed to send me a postcard of assurance...
Blessings to you all tonight.
love you....too

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

When I first started this blog, It was to keep people I know updated about the changes i anticipated in my life. I could have never imagined how many changes there would be.
First and foremost, we've seen miraculous healing for Valerie. After a month of "chemo pills", her white blood cell count is normal. Her heart function returned to near normal within 6 weeks, not the predicted one to 6 years. She's still dealing with some medication issues, and regaining her strength after declining health for over a year. And we do have a 2 month old baby in the house, whose schedule does not always jive with ours!
Georgia is now 2 months old, has grown to over 9 pounds and as you can see from the picture, is doing quite well! Here she is all dressed for church Sunday, in her latest outfit straight from the Pella II consignment sale (if you missed that sale, don't miss it next year!!)) Her Baby Gap cotton dress came complete with matching sweatshirt, and socks! Dressing a baby girl is sure fun!
Now to the biggest change that I never thougth would happen. I've been debating what to do about my job at KCWN. My boss, Marion Vink, has been very generous in granting me leave for the past two months, and we had discussed the possibility of me being on leave til August. But I really felt that this would create awkward situations for the staff, not being really sure of who was managing what areas of the station. I prayed that God would give me a sign as to stay or go, and I felt that sign was clear to me on Friday morning. Val's health situation and our home circumstances are definitely improving, but other areas seemed to be stuck. So I decided for my own health, and for the good of the station, that it was time for me to leave. I never thought that day would come.
I went to work on Friday night with intent to pack up my office..which I did. it was amazing to me how God took care of me that night. He sent my dear sweet friend and former co worker, Cinda, to the station. We prayed together, shared a tear or two and laughed about how we would have never thought a year ago that we would both be former KCWN employees! Todd Rowland was working on air, but had a family emergency to attend to, so I offered to work on air for him. What a gift for me, that's my first love, sharing GREAT Christian music on the air, connecting in a real way with all of you. Todd's wife stopped by to tell me how I had helped her through Nurses Training..and how she would miss me. (Everybody has an ego that needs stroked now and then..Friday night was my night) I was reminded of the MANY great friendships I have been able to enjoy because of my work at KCWN. And then, we just played music...and I was able to enjoy again the MESSAGE of the music. I have learned over the years (13 of them!) that we never need to explain the message of the song, because God uses the words to speak to each of us in just the place we are. And he did that in a mighty way for me on Friday night.
My thanks to Marion and the board of KCWN for entrusting the management, music and airwaves to me for over 13 years. My thanks to Lisa Williams and Casey Wright, true radio professionals, who trained me and gave me the confidence to be on the air. Thanks to my family for putting up with my strange schedule over the years, and the weekend calls from staff, and running in to make sure all was well "at the station". My thanks to many of you who have welcomed me into your homes and cars and workplaces, showing an interest in my family, and often sharing yours with me. I have learned that your stories are unique and I have tried not to share more than was fitting on the air. But most of all, thanks to God for giving me an amazing place to share my gifts and talents. I pray He was honored and that you were uplifted, and that you could see from my life, that it's not always easy, it's often hard, it doesn't always work out the way you planned, but you can be sure, God is always good.
My prayer is that KCWN will continue to bring you the best Christian music, that the personalities will connect with you in your daily walk, and that KCWN will glorify God in all that it does.
thank you too for all your prayers for my family, this past year and in years past. Continue to pray for me to find a new calling, to continue feeling the peace I had when I made my decision to leave. And who knows, maybe the door that I have closed at KCWN will become a window of opportunity for one of you!
there may be more blogging as well, I need to find somewhere to use up all the words I used to use on the radio!
and wouldn't' you know it, the NIGHT after I resigned, Georgia slept from 7 PM to 1 AM! When she finally woke up , i told her, my dear little lady, did you just want nanna to quit her job and stay home with you? to which she replied with a HUGE smile, and then, I am not kidding, she laughed out loud!
God and my Georgia have the same sense of humor.
by the way, love to hear from you.
and I'll be changing the location of my blog...i guess calling it the KCWN new day isn't' really right.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

These are the boys, Colby De Vries a first grader at Sully Christian, Noah, in kindergarten at Pella Christian, Henry James, who just turned one, one of the "big boys" Randy, with his 3 year old, Tysen.

This is Georgia at 3 weeks and Jessa at 10 weeks! Hard to beleive how much they grow and change is such a little amount of time. We are looking forward to lots of fun with these two little gals, who will no doubt spend a lot of time running after the 4 boys!

This is me, Georgia, at 5 weeks old, i decided to try on something that was NOT pink...but mommie and nana still like to dress me up in ALL pink, or green, or lavender! I've even heard talk of a dress, and a headband with a flower on it!! I'll just keep dreaming of when I can go out and fish with daddy and poppa!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

doctor update: Val's meds are being adjusted, increasing the "water pill", which hopefully takes down the fluid, but that might also mess up a few other meds, and blood pressure..My but the body is a complicated and complex machine"! If yours is working anywhere close to "normal" tonight, you should go to bed very grateful!

A probably heart ultrasound in Pella on Friday, and then a return visit to the doctor next week, as we monitor symptoms and hopefully report progress next week.

Georgia says..good night, or time to party, I'm not sure yet which is which!

Too Busy to Blog

if you've been checking in, you may have noticed, we havent' had much to say! it amazes me how the day flies by...and how busy we are just getting up, getting dressed, eating..and taking care of Georgia! She's doing great, and I hope on Saturday to post a few pics. Her sleeping habits are still not what we'd like, but we see signs of her adapting to sleeping at night.
Our Nanny Laurie has returned from NW Iowa! We are GLAD that Western Christian of HUll made it into the Boys State BB tournement in DM, for that brought Cousin Laurie to Desmoines and then to our house! I feel like we've totally taken advantage of her, by letting her sleep on our sofa, right next to the swing where Georgia spends her nights! But the nanny seems to enjoy these accomidations, and only asks that she has off to enjoy the ball games. That we can manage!
Val will return to see her Heart Doctors in Des Moines today, shes' been retaining fluid again, and this is a problem we must stay on top of, so pray for a good report and easy solution to this current problem. Val continues to struggle with exhaustion, but is really dealing with everything rather well, and finding much joy in taking care of Georgia.
Our needs have been met in so many ways, including delicious meals made for us every night for the past two weeks! Dennis' cousin Joan Van Zante ( has done an excellant job of organizing this for us and also providing a couple meals herself! When the days have seemed long from lack of sleep or too many appointments, we have always been able to sit down to a meal as a family at home. A simple pleasure that after a few weeks of hospital cafeteria food, really hit the spot! Our sincere thanks to all of you who have helped us in this way.
If you should notice the time of this post, you'll see that I am in fact UP early! I think I may have ALMOST gotten too much sleep last night! Perhaps I should be storing up , for when the nanny returns home!
I am still on leave from KCWN. Sometimes I miss it..Sometimes I can't beleive I ever did have a life before this current one! But I guess it's all part of learning to Trust...
Thanks for caring for us

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


AFter a night of little sleep and lots of visits between Georgia and myself, I thought church would be out of the question for this past Sunday. But when I finally grabbed two hours of sleep between 6 and 8 AM I awoke to find Val all showered sitting on the sofa asking if we shouldn't all be up to get ready for church! so within an hour all four of us were ready and heading for Pella II.
We had not been in church for a month, and it was Sweet to be back. Our church family has been so faithful in praying for Valerie's health and for the heathly birth of Georgia, and on Sunday we were able to present our living miracle.
For me, Sunday was super Sweet, for many reasons. Family. Gems Sunday. Gems, a club for Girls in the CRC, used to be called Calvinettes. There were celebrating their 50th anniversary. I remember when i was a little girl, being obsessed with the
Cadet Club of the First CRC in Oskaloosa. My dad was a leader and the boys met in our basement. I would lay on the living room floor every Wednesday night with my ear pressed to the floor to hear them singing along with our record player, all 3 verses and the wonderful chorus of Living for Jesus. ( a song that i know by heart to this day...) I wanted to badly to be a Cadet, but alas this was for boys only! I remember reading their magazine one Sunday afernoon, when my dad told me about Calvinettes, and from that conversation, I wrote my very first letter to a council of the church, requesting that they start a Calvinette Club in our church. I'm not sure how long it took, but thanks to lots of caring loving people in that church, we had a Calvinette Club! WAtching the video about the history of the GEMS in church, i know lots of ladies were remembering their own Calvinette story, complete with blue jumper, white blouse, and scarf and badges! The them of the video was "begin with small ones"...
that phrase hit me...begin with small ones...which seems to be exactly what i've been called to do in the past few weeks and the weeks ahead. Who knows what God has planned for Valerie and Georgia to do in His kingdom? who knows where all these sleepless nights will take a tiny little girl later in life? so in the hours when I would rather be sleeping, we're spending sweet time together..beginning with small ones..
Oh and if just being in church with our friends and family wasn't enough, and celebrating GEMS< our Praise Band was leading worship. I am their biggest "fan", which means I love using the music I bring to your on KCWN in worship (for me, it helps connect everyday worship with Sunday worship... I realized I had not sung a song for over a month! (except for one poorly sung but heartful accapella rendition of Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow when Val took her second dose of Gleevac without throwing up!!) It was Good to sing Praises to our God. with the band. Making a joyful loud noise..In church. a good Sunday.
Our whole family came over for supper, and it was good to see ALL the kids, including baby Jessa, who is so loves to be talked to and smiles and coos and tried very hard to talk back! I think she knows she'll have to get on with it to keep up with all the boys!!
It was an exhuasting day, but ever so sweet, and well, Normal.

we've spent every day since recovering!

A doctor's visit on Tuesday gave us good news that Val's white cell count has continued to go down, now at 12000. It was 58000 after GEorgia's birth. I'm not sure about the usual amount of time for Gleevac to work, but I would think this is pretty fast, and that's cuz I'm pretty sure it's NOT all about the's about Faith and the prayers of many many people. While we still have a long ways to go, we are on the road..with a light at the end.

Miss Georgia also had a chance to get on the scale and we report her weight is now 6 pounds 9 and half ounces! Seems all those late night snacks are doing her a lot of good! We're both gaining really well..but nanna has to find a way to stop!

Thanks for checking in on us, sorry i've been away for a few days. i cant' beleive how busy we are! the meals that cousin Joan organized for us have been wonderful!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! I think we're covered through the end of this week, then I might have to figure out how to do more than wash dishes and fix bottles in the kitchen!!

Hope you were able to find us after our move from the KCWN web page!! you can still respond to this blog,or email us directly at

Seize the Day

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Randy and Colby sang for Jessa's baptism. Tysen sat on the "big green pastor chair' behind the pulpit!
Noah loves his new cousin, "I wish she was my sister!"

Our "nanny" Laurie telling Georgia that it's time to sleep!!

Henry turns One Year Old and finds the snack drawer at nanna's!

Beautiful Baby Jessa Kay in her baptism dress!

We caught Georgia with a smile!
and a picture of Nana Bev (Doctor Nana in her scrubs, the day Georgia was born)


I'm moving the blog from the KCWN web sight, so I hope you save us in your favorites!!
I'll be taking a one month leave from work, as I've used up more than my vacation time this past month, and I just don't feel ready to come back to work yet. As Val gets stronger, and Georgia sleeps more, I think I'll be ready, but not now, not yet, so my thanks to everybody at KCWN for keeping things going without me for another month. (It's amazing how much a person thinks they are needed, when in reality, life rolls on with out you!!)
I think today i'd just like to share some pictures of our life this past month, Enjoy!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

3 weeks

ago, Georgia was born! what a 3 weeks it's been...
this week has been interesting too, another homecoming from the hospital on Tuesday, adjusting to being home, sleepless nights while we figure out Georgia's ever changing schedule. Tuesday and Wednesday were a little rough, mostly on Nana! But last night, we both enjoyed the tranquility of the Graco Sweet Peace Swing. From 2 am to 6 am , Georgia enjoyed a most peaceful sleep, as did Nana! Funny how much more refreshed you feel in the morning if you've had 5 hours of sleep as opposed to 2.
so yes, it's a NEW DAY.
Val continues to work on regulating meds and activities. Being a new mom, there is a lot she would LOVE to do, but recoving is top priority. Adjusting to the new reality can be overwhelming at times, but we know that God continues to give us strength that we could have never dreamed of.
We definetly live day to day.
For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

-- Isaiah 41:13

Life crashes in and we wish we could be children again and have
someone to take care of us and protect us. Into our confused and
chaotic world, God's promise comes to us once again. Like a loving
parent with a frightened child, God reaches out and takes hold of
our hands and comforts us with his precious words: "Don't be
afraid. I'm here with you. I will help." Even when he seems
distant, the echo of this thought can remind us that we are never
alone or forgotten. (cf. Heb. 13:5-6)

Abba Father, whose presence and help are always near, please
help me have faith that you are here. I confess that at certain
points in my life, you have seemed distant and I have felt alone.
Please remind me through your Spirit of your nearness and your
care. In my moments of struggle and doubt, please make your
presence known. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

blessings to you my dear friends.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

couldn't say thank you any better than this

and since I haven't had a ton of sleep in the last 24 hours...this is for all of you...... February 25, 2009

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine
upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace.
-- Numbers 6:24-26

How would you like to place the mighty name of the LORD on
people you love? God promised that this priestly blessing in
today's Scripture enabled his name (his power and authority) to be
placed on his people. What an incredible gift that we have the
power to give to others with just our faithful words! Blessings are
found all throughout Scripture. Why not begin looking today for
ways to pronounce God's blessing on others? You can start with this
one, and then add a bunch of others as you find them in Scripture.

O LORD of every good and perfect gift, your blessings are too
many to count and too wonderful to fully comprehend. Please use me
to share those blessings with others. Give me eyes to see and ears
to hear so that I can share your blessings with others today and
each day! In the name of Jesus, your greatest blessing, I pray.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Home sweet home

we are here!! and home has never looked so good, even after a week of watching HGTV..even though I do have a few projects in mind for Dennis....
Val is very very tired..and sleeping now. Please pray for her to regain strenght..and to have courage to face all this is ahead of her.
Georgia WAS sleeping, i hear her calling me...from what the Nannies tell me, I best rest now, for I think we might party tonight from midnight to 2 AM!
thanks for all you've done for us! Continue to pray, not only for us, but for our friends that we left on the 8th floor...
If you access this blog through the KCWN web sight, check out the verse for the day..I just did as i was signing off to head down to the cafeteria....Jeremiah 29:11..For I KNOW the PLANS I have for you...


Dr Westburg has returned from vacation, and saw Valerie this morning at 7:10. He is giving us the okay to go home, after one more look from the lung doctors at her CT. He thinks what they are seeing now is some calcium buildup from an old infection. SO..we are quite optimistic that TODAY is the DAY to go HOME.
Val will have a lot of followup visits..and we still have a ways to go in all this, but it will ever so sweet to be home, especially now that HOME includes our little Georgia Naely.
Georgia had a good night, skipping her usual "fun time" from midnight to 2 AM, but choosing instead to have a snack every two hours through the night. Our Nanny Jude has gone to work today, Poppa had his first experience at dropping a baby off at the sitter, and STacey is doing the honors today of keeping Georgia til we can get HOME.
thanks again for caring for us, for praying for us.
It looks like a good day for a road trip to Pella.

Monday, February 23, 2009

CT scan results show NO blood clot,that is good news, but leaves us without an explanation for tonight of what is causing the heaviness in her chest. the CT was delayed due to trauma cases that were more pressing. By 7 tonight, Val was back in her room, and Georgia had arrived for a short nite time visit, so our evening did improve. We also had to delay supper til after the CT, which meant room service and the cafeteria were both closed, so that meant Mc Donalds for supper! You know you're in a bad way when Mc Donald's seems like a step up from what you might have had for supper!
Our nurses assure us that whatever is causing the heaviness does not need attention tonight, or someone would have been in to see us yet tonight, so we shall do our best to have that peaceful, healing rest and see what the doctors say in the morning. Hopefully, Prayerfully, we will find ourselves in a place where HOME is the next place to rest!
For some reason tonight, I find myself weary. Very Weary. Maybe tomorrow is the shattering.
Good night all
thanks for caring about us.
oh, i havent' been able to pull up my emails today..they have hopefully I can get some tomorrow?

Monday ONE week at Mercy

I know you are all anxious to hear what is going on...
so am I. We have not seen our Oncology doctor yet today, not the heart doctor. Val has been extremely fatigued, so much so that our twice daily walks have had a rest stop in the middle and considering it's only a walk to the end of the hall and back, that's not much. Val did have some "heaviness" in her chest, though the xrays look okay, so she had an EKG this morning, and the took blood to test heart enzymes. Other than that, she's been sleeping, and I've continued my new addiction to TLC What Not To Wear and HGTV Design on a Dime. If nothing else, if and when we finally leave here, I should KNOW how to dress better and be a whiz at home design.
who knows? This could open up a whole new career for me!
Those who know me know that my humor often covers for me when I am sad, mad, anxious, or afraid. I guess all of those would be true today. Every little complication now makes me wonder what is really going on with Val. I'm fighting the urges to let fear take over, and holding on to faith that all is well.
Nanny Judy is at home with Georgia, who is enjoying a nice lazy day at home. We made no plans for her to come to us, we thought we would go to her! But, as stated many times before, Our Plans don't always come to be..
Now if a doctor comes in while I'm down here posting this (another reason you haven't heard from me, "my" computer on the 8th floor wont' connect to the Internet..where is ITT when you need them! Steve...are you out there??) and says, Miss Valerie, you're just tired and wore out! Go home, enjoy your baby, sleep a lot, and we'll see you in 6 months. well, if that happens, you can all remind me, Oh Bev, ye of little faith.
Keep praying. My devotional today was about how God empowered the Israelites, even when the odds were against them, over and over again. And God SHATTERED their enemies..even when their faith was small..and they were grumbling...even then.
I'm ready for a shattering.
oh, thanks for everybody who has expressed interest in helping with meals!! I hope Joan doesn't regret asking for a list of our friends!! We are blessed indeed.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


one week ago, Val went to the ER in Pella..a week later we're still here at Mercy, but anticipating going home soon. perhaps even tomorrow!
It would be accurate to say that Val is still very very weak and tired..doctors are adjusting medications, tests are still being done, and we're still watching for side effects. Val is eager to be home with Georgia and Josh, but also anxious about going home with these new medical complications. It's going to be a big adjustment, not only does she have a 2 weeks old daughter to care for, a surgery to recover from, the medication for the leukemia to adapt to, and now the after effects of the congestive heart failure.
so you can see, your prayers are still very much needed, but we have also seen God's hand in taking care of us and providing for us this past week.
Our Nanny Laurie returned home to Hull today. What a blessing she has been!! Words will never be able to thank her enough, and she will always have a very special place in the story of Georgia. As will tonight's nanny, my sister Judy. At a moment's notice, Nanny Jude has been there and will take over tonight and tomorrow.
So many of you have been so kind as to offer whatever you can do to help us, including Dennis' cousin Joan, who is organizing meals to be made for us for a while. We are still uncertain about how many doctor visits or whatever lies ahead, so knowing that this part of the day will be taken care of is wonderful!! If you would like to make a meal, I believe Joan is organizing some of this by email, and the meals will just be delivered to KCWN< class="blsp-spelling-corrected" id="SPELLING_ERROR_5">Joan at
Thanks to for the cards, emails, notes, prayers, we have been blessed in so many ways!!
We are all very tired tonight, life in the real world for half a day have about done me in!! So many stories on the 8th floor, as I walk past other patient rooms, where families gather around loved ones who are so sick. So prayers tonight for all those on the 8 th floor, and every floor where pain and anxiety are tonight..and as the PA system announces each night at 9:00, when we all pause for prayer here at Mercy, may we all be granted a peaceful and healing night of rest.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Georgia came today at noon..and has been her usual lovely self, sleeping sweetly most of the afternoon. Makes me wonder what tonight will be like, since this will be my first night at home with her in a week. But we're also keeping Nanny Laurie!!
Grandma Rita visited this afternoon, and Josh is here as well. I'm waiting for my ride to Pella and have been told it's cold and winter out again.
Val had some nausea and bad headaches after the Gleevac today. Always a little hard to tell what it causing what with all the medications she's taking now and all the conditions she's taking them for. We're again praying for her to feel like her old self very soon.
No day has been set yet for Val to come home, but we are hoping for Monday, or Tuesday.
Our grandson Noah told me over the phone that the fruit from the arrangement was delicious, but that it did get him into a little bit of trouble! Seems he took the fruit, a cutting board, and a knife into the living room to enjoy this tasty pretty treat. I believe he's learned that knives, cutting boards and fruit should stay IN the kitchen with momma!
Hope your Saturday has been filled with normal wonderful things


things are quiet here on a Saturday, not nearly so many in the cafeteria, the parking lot almost empty..I remember this a little from two weeks ago, yes, two weeks ago, when Georgia Naely was 2 days old...
We had a pretty restful night, coughing fits still wake Valerie up, as well as the administration of medications. Doctors are coordinating a time for us to go home, making sure that she is on top of things, and that all the meds are working together. This elates me and makes me nervous. Here in 804 we are a button push away from advice or help. Once home, we'll make those decisions again about what is acceptable and normal in this situation and what needs a doctors attention.
But it will be so good for Valerie to be home with Georgia, which Josh able to see them both every day. That in and of itself will be wonderful medicine! And I guess i'll have to learn how to do laundry and dishes and cook again! and maybe even go to work...hmmm, 'normal' life...
I forgot to mention a special treat that arrived Edible Bouquet of fresh fruit! It was beautiful, (and tasty!) and came to us from the Miracle Believers in Oskaloosa. This is a Sunday School Class at the First Church of the Nazarene who have faithfully supported KCWN for over 10 years. By support, I mean financially, and with much needed prayer whenever asked. I have no doubt that this class, as well as many of you who only know me as your morning friend on the radio, have been praying for us.
How will we ever thank you all for what you have done for us? Perhaps just by receiving the blessings, and by always always thanking God for what He has done.
Our "plan" for today is for Laurie and the baby to come up around noon to spend the afternoon. Dennis is bringing Val's sister STacey to stay the night, and I intend to go home and sleep on a REAL bed! MY real bed!! We'll also take Georgia home with us, and probably also keep Nanny Laurie for one more day (and night!) Sunday I'll come back up to stay until it's time for us ALL to come home to Pella.
Wow...what a week...
When you go to church this Sunday, Sing with Joy, for He has truly "made us radiant with Joy"

Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday night
time to start to unwind for the day..and a good day it's been. Good news for Valerie, the chest xrays look better each day, and so the IV antibiotics will soon be changed to oral. The heart doctor reports improving numbers for Valerie as well, and so far, good reception of the meds for her heart. Gleevac 3 went down without a hitch, no sickness (again, I KNOW this is an answer to the prayers of MANY) Val is still very weak, quite tired, still fighting a battle, but we have seen signs of improvement.
The biggest improvement always comes when Georgia comes, as she did today at noon. Our nany Laurie took the day to catch up with Randy, Jodi and the kids in Sully. here at Mercy we had a nice visit with Martha, and then Dennis came up with Wavern and Bev. Josh arrived, and we left the happy family in 804, while i breathed my first outside air in 5 days! A meal at the Drake Diner hit the spot, even though i had to resist the urge to walk around the counter looking for the food you pick from a basket!
Georgia is now on her way home, and we'll soon start the nite routine in 804. Making the sofa into a bed, taking meds, watching a little TLC, and thanking God for another day of seeing first hand how Faithful he is, and how He works in little ways and big ones to provide for our every need. Kiss the babies in your house tonight, and say a prayer for ones that are not. And know that yes, God is good...all the time.
Friday..As i sit in the newly arranged visitors lounge, i can see out the window lots of cars in the parking lot at Vets..oh yes, Boys State Wrestling.
We had rather good night, Val is still having lots of coughing spells, which are hard on her incision, and interrupt sleep, but this too should pass. Her meds are being regulated and watched for side effects. Good news is that last night she was able to take off the oxygen, and has kept that off so far today!! Soon it will be lunch time, and the 3rd Gleevac pill...I know there will come a day when I will stop counting them..but for now, each one that goes down and does it's job with out causing side effects, well, i'm just really happy about that!
We had a visit from Kim, Ryan, Riley and Nia this morning. They know the routine here at mercy as well as anyone. Nia said a prayer for Val and let me know that Sunday School was in good hands with Miss Arlys as the teacher..Just another instance of how life goes on.
I'd best hit the cafeteria before the lunch crowd..and we're anxiously awaiting our favorite visitor, Georgia Naely, who I think will come to spend the afternoon.
Thanks again for your prayers. Enjoy today where ever you are!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

thursday night, I'm on supper break, while Josh and Val spend some time with Georgia, just as it should be, only not where it should be. Still we are thankful that Val could rest today, that she did not have any immediate side effects of the second Gleevac pill, and that she is enjoying Georgia today. Seeing the baby go home again at night is very hard, but hopefully, in a week or so, we'll all be home!!
I enjoyed a visit today from my good friend Dee and her husband, and Laurie brought cousin Joan with her and the's good to see people from the outside world! isn't' it funny how less than a week in a different location can change your view?? We all had a good time in the visitor lounge (remember, where i rearranged the furniture??) while Val slept this afternoon.
good night my friends, thanks for taking time to check on us in your busy schedule.
You are in our prayers too
Gleevac 2:
Val had her second dose of Gleevac, the leukemia pill, at 1, with her lunch.. I must admit i waited very anxiously for the last hour to go by...and Praise God, so far, no side effects! no nausea (though she did have Zofran before the pill this time, we can live with that!), no room spinning..just a little sleepy! Praise God!!
She even initiated the idea of us taking a stroll down the hall to the elevator and back, without oxygen! We did this, and now she is napping, and i am going to investigate the great out of doors, they tell me it's cold, but the sunshine makes you forget all about that (it's odd not knowing the weather by heart...i used to say it so many times a day...)
Thank you for praying for us. Thank you God for hearing and answering prayers.
Baby Georgia and her nanny Laurie will be coming up to visit after our nap, Josh is heading up today, so that little family can spend some time together too.
til later

Thursday's are like any other day...

some of my old PC lunch room friends will remember that saying...
We had a good good night! thanks for praying! the rash on her feet quieted down..and she slept, a lot! I know this was an answer to prayer!! She is still sleeping this morning, and i'm heading down to get breakfast before breakfast is not an option. (Yesterday my entire days food consumption consisted of biscuits and gravy, blueberry muffin, rice krispie bar, french fries, a chocolate shake, and 4 peanut butter cup cookies ((thankyou Nana Judy!! those are the BEST!))
I'm hoping to show the dietitians here today that I can eat a little more healthy today..
funny, how my daily food choices have now become the biggest decisions i make all day...i can't even put a lot of effort into deciding what to's just the next and cleanest thing in the bag..

We're hoping to have Baby Georgia join us for the day here on the 8th floor, while our nanny Laurie gets a play day in Pella. At least, that's our 'plan' and you all know how me and the word plan have gotten along for the past year...

Val is scheduled for another chest xray today, and we will attempt the next Gleevac pill with today's lunch. PLEASE pray again that there will be NO side effects to taking this medication!!
And of course, if it would be God's will to take this all away now and return Val to miraculous health at home with her baby daughter...I'd be way cool with that too..

Love from the 8th floor

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

if you're checking this before bedtime, as i'm writing before 'bedtime', please add to your prayer list tonight Valerie's tolerance of the new pill that arrived today for treatment of the CML. She had her first dose around 6:30 tonight, and she became very ill an hour later. The evening had been rather sweet, after a wonderful afternoon with Georgia here in our room, Randy, Jodi and the kids brought Poppa Dennis and Grandpa and Grandma De Vries. As they were leaving, Ron and Laura B from church stopped by. Their words of encouragement are extra special since they know the experience first hand, from their son Brian's cancer 12 years ago. they are a reminder to us of God's faifhfulness and ability to bring healing and hope to a dark situation.
Before they left, Ron offered up a sweet prayer of healing over Valerie, as only a parent who's "been there " could do.
It was immediately after that, that Valerie became ill. After a few medications to calm the nausea, and the anxiety, she is still sleeping. My FEAR tells me that this reaction is the new drug. my FAITH wants to tell me that this could have been her healing, that the cancer could have left her body as we have prayed for it to do...
Would you just pray again for Valerie tonight..and above all that Fear will not win..but that Faith will remain.
thank you my friends

Life on the 8th floor

we have settled in..the routine of vitals being checked, breathing treatments, doctor visits, meals on a tray, we have settled in. Watching TLC, (too many episodes of What Not To Wear, with a limited wardrobe in a bag..not a good combination...) checking emails on the floor computer, resisting the urge to rearrange the furniture in the patient lounge..these are the events that take up our day.
Val had a restless night, with night sweats (from the leukemia), coughing spells (from the pneumonia) and chills from, well, we're not sure about those. She is losing fluid, which is great for all her conditions, and we pray that today when she starts the excepted preferred method of treatment for CML that there will be NO fluid retention!! she's very tired...from all the illness, lack of sleep, and she did just have a baby 12 days ago!
Cousin Laurie is planning on bringing Georgia up for a visit again today..which will be great for mom and baby (and nana). We do soo appreciate all our "nannies" are doing for us!!
A call to our other kids reminds me that the world is still spinning outside of the 8th floor. Colby told me he is so excited about his teacher's husband coming to talk to them about India! Everyone could write down questions for him, and he told me he will be asking What was your favorite food, and what was your favorite movie...good questions!! Tysen got on the phone to let me know that Baby jessa got a shot, and that she cried, but he did not. Stacey's boys are still battling the stomach flu, to which Noah said he was hoping not to get "this" again. Henry who turned ONE on the 7th, and started walking that week, has now opted to RUN and KICK things across the floor. I fear that we lost Baby Henry and gained Big Boy Hank in about a days time.
I'm hoping in time to get 'back to work' but for now grateful for the time to take care of my family, and trusting with the rest of you that God will Provide the rest.
Can you tell I dont' have the opportunity to use all my words on morning radio? I've become rather chatty, so my apologies to those of you who only want the facts, but for those of you who know me well, you are not surprised..
Gotta go, Val will be back up for xray soon, and I think I just might have enough time to rearrange this room before I head back....
thanks again , always, for your prayers
Oh, we love receiving your comments as well! we cannot respond from this hospital computer without your email address, but we are reading, and sharing your thoughts with each other.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

it's supper time for service for Val, another trip to the cafeteria for me!
Our afternoon flew by, mostly because of a visit from Dennis, our latest "nanny" Laurie, and baby Georgia! This was by far the best medicine Valerie got today!! An hour of holding Georgia brought back her mommie's smile, and i'll be happy to admit, i missed that little peanut too!!
And yet another confirmation that we have made a good choice, Val was wiped out after an hour, so Baby and her caregivers are heading back to Pella, and we'll rest here and concentrate on getting strong so we can ALL be together back home soon!
In your prayers tonight, be ever so thankful for the family that loves you, the friends that care, and for the God who gives us these little wonderful blessings.
Tomorrow we anticipate the arrival of the medicine to treat Val's leukemia. We're praying for good results and no side effects, as we continue to address her many medical conditions.
Good night all

tuesday Feb 17

i remember for months seeing THIS DATE on the TV as the day analog TV ends and digital begins...i understand that has been delayed...well, there you have it, best laid plans....even the United States Goverment isn't as "in control" as they think they are..
and so nor are we.
Val is continuing to be seen my lots of doctors...our Team includes oncology, respiratory, lung, heart, lacation (from the ceasation of nursing Georgia) and lots of ofther techs and nurses and people I dont' always know why they are here. but it does seem clear that everyone cares about Valerie and seeing her healthy again very soon. Answer to prayer, doctors and staff that can start to understand exactly what's going on.
As I stated yesterday, she is being treated for the pnemonia, still evaluating for the heart condition, being treated for restoration of heart function, and doing our best to get her fluid retention down which should help the other conditions. We are talking with the drug company to rush the Gleevac, which is the treatment for the leukemia. Getting all her meds started here at the hospital where we can monitor side effects will be a good thing.
Thanks for your prayers, calls, cards, emails, etc...we know we are loved and cared for!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday night

what a long day....
We have been most pleased with all our doctors here at Mercy..and we are compiling quite a list. Dr Westburg is checking for things relating to the leukemia, we have a cardiologist, and a lung doctor, a respiratory therapist and a host of nurses. At this point, the official word would be treating for pneumonia, evaluating for heart. Tests show there has been some decrease in heart function, cause not totally determined, though it appears that the pregnancy could have been part of the cause. No matter the cause, the treatment would be the same, so meds have been started to get the heart function back.
More tests tomorrow, more evaluations, more nebulizer treatments, and hopefully, lots of rest.
We have been blessed today by visits from friends at church, who brought bags of goodies and much needed and appreciated prayers and offer of help. Just when we were trying to figure out just what to do with Georgia, Dennis' cousin Lori from Sou ix Center called with an offer to come and stay a couple days and get to know her better! We have gladly accepted this generous offer and look forward to knowing that Georgia is at home and being cared for with almost as much love as we could give her! We are sure there will be plenty of opportunities for others to get to know Georgia too, but for now, having her home will be a comfort to Val.
So, another day filled with unexpected events, showing us yet again how little control we have over our lives, how much we need to lean on those around us, and how God does take care of us, in big and little ways.
I am now on leave from KCWN. My co workers there will continue to run the station until I can return. I appreciate them taking over for me, even though I miss working and being the "morning girl". You can still read my blog through the station web sight.
Enough for now, time to make a sofa into a bed, and find the patient family pop machine and graham crackers for bed night snack..and say our prayers. Here at Mercy, at 8:30 AM and 9:00 PM, over the intercom, we pause for prayer. Tonight i was most grateful to hear the prayer with my daughter and husband...thanking God for watching over us in the daylight hours and asking God to be with us in the night time hours, bringing the comfort that only HE can bring. that is my prayer for all of you tonight too

Monday Feb 16

was it only one week ago today that Georgia and Val came home from Mercy?
a quick update on what's going on, this blog has now become information, I had hoped it would illuminate your day with deep thoughts and inspiration...
today i have neither.
Val was admitted last night to Pella Hospital through the ER with breathing difficulties. this has been an ongoing problem all week. This morning, with a possible diagnosis of congestive heart failure, she was taken by ambulance back to Mercy, this time being admitted on Floor 8, Oncology.
Tests continue today, and so far we think she has pneumonia, possible CHF, testing for other things related to her leukemia, and doing a scan now of her heart. Please pray for a diagnosis and treatment to begin soon, with relief and health to follow soon!! they will be putting in a PIC line for meds and hopefully blood draws, as Vals veins are shot. they have said to plan on being here "for a while".
thankfully, my sister Judy had taken care of Georgia last week one afternoon, and had graciously stayed overnight with us on Saturday night, so that she and Georgia could celebrate Valentines Day together as only single girls can, by staying up all night and watching movies. Seriously, what a blessing that my sister can be with the baby, and she already 'knows" her, so we feel confident about leaving them together.
I'm not sure who is staying where tonight or tomorrow, but I do know that your prayers to our loving and Faithful God keep us from feeling despair and depression. I have found an old computer on floor 8 so I should be able to update you all this way.
BEfore Georgia was born 10 days ago, i was waiting in the dressing room in my scrubs for Val's spinal to take, so I could go in for the delivery. I picked up a Bible and read in Psalm 34..May your face radiate with Joy" and I claimed that verse for our little one to be born, hours later her mother told me her name, Georgia, of which one characteristic is "illuminates her surroundings".
that she has done...and I"m praying that very soon we will all radiate with home, happy and healthy.
there, maybe that was just a little inspirational, and a little deep for someone who's working off 4 hours of sleep a night.

Friday, February 13, 2009

One Week

ago, our little Georgia Naely was welcomed into our family, our home, and our hearts.
It's been an eventful week, from her birth last week, our homecoming on Monday,and a doctor visit on Tuesday for Val, which revealed that the leukemia we had hoped would not need treatment for a couple months, has progressed to a point where treatment will begin next week.
As you can imagine, our world has been turned up side down..with great joy in Georgia's healthy birth, and from the news that Val's disease has progressed.
We continue to thank God for the good things, and ask Him to help us cope with the things that are not in our plan, but that we know is in HIs for us.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Georgia Naely

On Friday, February 6, Georgia Naely De Vries was born at 9:33 AM. She weighs in at 5 pounds and 11 ounces, a whopping 18 3/4 inches long, with lovely blond hair. Baby and Mom Val are doing fine at Mercy MEdical Center in Des Moines and hope to arrive at home in Pella on Monday.
This journey has not been easy, but seeing a healthy baby girl today makes it all seem worthwhile. I'll share more in days to come, but for now, for those of you who have prayed for us, supported us, and been there for us, thank you so much.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just a few of the things we do at Nana Bev's...Henry James in the high chair, looking for more FOOD! Colby, Tysen, and Noah enjoying a movie and snacks in Nana's living room, and Colby playing DS, while Tysen "watches".

This is baby Jessa Kay De Vries, born Dec 18, 2008

She joins her parents, Randy and Jodi, and brothers Colby and Tysen at home in Sully. She's looking forward to getting to spend more time at Nana Bev's!


I'm anticipating more changes in my life. This blog may be a good way for me to keep those of you who might be interested updated. 2008 had a few changes as brother in law, Marcus Stuit, went home to Heaven after a one month battle with Melanoma. My only sister once again became one of my best friends, as we helped each other through the months that have followed.

My oldest son and his wife gave us our first grand daughter, Jessa Kay on December 18. After 4 grandsons, whom we love dearly, we are learning all about hair bows, ruffled socks and the color Pink.

Dennis moved his business from the "old shop" in Oskaloosa to a new home in Leighton. Moving a business is a big deal, if you're trying to stay in business at the same time. But some how, we got it done and are now open and ready in Leighton. If you're in the market for kitchen or bath cabinets, new countertops, showers, etc...give my husband a call..780 0940! If he stays busy, it leaves me with more time to do things like this!

Keep checking in, I'll try to keep "blogging" about the changes that are coming my way..and perhaps we can help each other, change..and grow...and