Tuesday, February 17, 2009

tuesday Feb 17

i remember for months seeing THIS DATE on the TV as the day analog TV ends and digital begins...i understand that has been delayed...well, there you have it, best laid plans....even the United States Goverment isn't as "in control" as they think they are..
and so nor are we.
Val is continuing to be seen my lots of doctors...our Team includes oncology, respiratory, lung, heart, lacation (from the ceasation of nursing Georgia) and lots of ofther techs and nurses and people I dont' always know why they are here. but it does seem clear that everyone cares about Valerie and seeing her healthy again very soon. Answer to prayer, doctors and staff that can start to understand exactly what's going on.
As I stated yesterday, she is being treated for the pnemonia, still evaluating for the heart condition, being treated for restoration of heart function, and doing our best to get her fluid retention down which should help the other conditions. We are talking with the drug company to rush the Gleevac, which is the treatment for the leukemia. Getting all her meds started here at the hospital where we can monitor side effects will be a good thing.
Thanks for your prayers, calls, cards, emails, etc...we know we are loved and cared for!

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