Wednesday, March 11, 2009

doctor update: Val's meds are being adjusted, increasing the "water pill", which hopefully takes down the fluid, but that might also mess up a few other meds, and blood pressure..My but the body is a complicated and complex machine"! If yours is working anywhere close to "normal" tonight, you should go to bed very grateful!

A probably heart ultrasound in Pella on Friday, and then a return visit to the doctor next week, as we monitor symptoms and hopefully report progress next week.

Georgia says..good night, or time to party, I'm not sure yet which is which!


Dan Brouwer said...

Thanks for the update! We keep you all in our prayers. We can only begin to imagine what your new life must be like, and it sounds like you are having a hard time remembering what your life was like before you started this new one. God's faithfulness is the one constant we can always count on. "My heart and my flesh may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:26.

Cheryl Veenstra said...

We think about you often and so we appreciate the update ~ and especially the picture of Little Miss Georgia! What a beautiful miracle she is, and living proof that He is faithful.

We're praying that you will soon be able to return to those things that you've had to temporarily "put on a shelf", ~ that things will soon get back to normal for each one of you. Only this time normal will include baby giggles and cuddles! (And sleep deprivation.)