Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Dr Westburg has returned from vacation, and saw Valerie this morning at 7:10. He is giving us the okay to go home, after one more look from the lung doctors at her CT. He thinks what they are seeing now is some calcium buildup from an old infection. SO..we are quite optimistic that TODAY is the DAY to go HOME.
Val will have a lot of followup visits..and we still have a ways to go in all this, but it will ever so sweet to be home, especially now that HOME includes our little Georgia Naely.
Georgia had a good night, skipping her usual "fun time" from midnight to 2 AM, but choosing instead to have a snack every two hours through the night. Our Nanny Jude has gone to work today, Poppa had his first experience at dropping a baby off at the sitter, and STacey is doing the honors today of keeping Georgia til we can get HOME.
thanks again for caring for us, for praying for us.
It looks like a good day for a road trip to Pella.

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