Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday ONE week at Mercy

I know you are all anxious to hear what is going on...
so am I. We have not seen our Oncology doctor yet today, not the heart doctor. Val has been extremely fatigued, so much so that our twice daily walks have had a rest stop in the middle and considering it's only a walk to the end of the hall and back, that's not much. Val did have some "heaviness" in her chest, though the xrays look okay, so she had an EKG this morning, and the took blood to test heart enzymes. Other than that, she's been sleeping, and I've continued my new addiction to TLC What Not To Wear and HGTV Design on a Dime. If nothing else, if and when we finally leave here, I should KNOW how to dress better and be a whiz at home design.
who knows? This could open up a whole new career for me!
Those who know me know that my humor often covers for me when I am sad, mad, anxious, or afraid. I guess all of those would be true today. Every little complication now makes me wonder what is really going on with Val. I'm fighting the urges to let fear take over, and holding on to faith that all is well.
Nanny Judy is at home with Georgia, who is enjoying a nice lazy day at home. We made no plans for her to come to us, we thought we would go to her! But, as stated many times before, Our Plans don't always come to be..
Now if a doctor comes in while I'm down here posting this (another reason you haven't heard from me, "my" computer on the 8th floor wont' connect to the Internet..where is ITT when you need them! Steve...are you out there??) and says, Miss Valerie, you're just tired and wore out! Go home, enjoy your baby, sleep a lot, and we'll see you in 6 months. well, if that happens, you can all remind me, Oh Bev, ye of little faith.
Keep praying. My devotional today was about how God empowered the Israelites, even when the odds were against them, over and over again. And God SHATTERED their enemies..even when their faith was small..and they were grumbling...even then.
I'm ready for a shattering.
oh, thanks for everybody who has expressed interest in helping with meals!! I hope Joan doesn't regret asking for a list of our friends!! We are blessed indeed.

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