Thursday, February 19, 2009

thursday night, I'm on supper break, while Josh and Val spend some time with Georgia, just as it should be, only not where it should be. Still we are thankful that Val could rest today, that she did not have any immediate side effects of the second Gleevac pill, and that she is enjoying Georgia today. Seeing the baby go home again at night is very hard, but hopefully, in a week or so, we'll all be home!!
I enjoyed a visit today from my good friend Dee and her husband, and Laurie brought cousin Joan with her and the's good to see people from the outside world! isn't' it funny how less than a week in a different location can change your view?? We all had a good time in the visitor lounge (remember, where i rearranged the furniture??) while Val slept this afternoon.
good night my friends, thanks for taking time to check on us in your busy schedule.
You are in our prayers too

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