Saturday, February 21, 2009


things are quiet here on a Saturday, not nearly so many in the cafeteria, the parking lot almost empty..I remember this a little from two weeks ago, yes, two weeks ago, when Georgia Naely was 2 days old...
We had a pretty restful night, coughing fits still wake Valerie up, as well as the administration of medications. Doctors are coordinating a time for us to go home, making sure that she is on top of things, and that all the meds are working together. This elates me and makes me nervous. Here in 804 we are a button push away from advice or help. Once home, we'll make those decisions again about what is acceptable and normal in this situation and what needs a doctors attention.
But it will be so good for Valerie to be home with Georgia, which Josh able to see them both every day. That in and of itself will be wonderful medicine! And I guess i'll have to learn how to do laundry and dishes and cook again! and maybe even go to work...hmmm, 'normal' life...
I forgot to mention a special treat that arrived Edible Bouquet of fresh fruit! It was beautiful, (and tasty!) and came to us from the Miracle Believers in Oskaloosa. This is a Sunday School Class at the First Church of the Nazarene who have faithfully supported KCWN for over 10 years. By support, I mean financially, and with much needed prayer whenever asked. I have no doubt that this class, as well as many of you who only know me as your morning friend on the radio, have been praying for us.
How will we ever thank you all for what you have done for us? Perhaps just by receiving the blessings, and by always always thanking God for what He has done.
Our "plan" for today is for Laurie and the baby to come up around noon to spend the afternoon. Dennis is bringing Val's sister STacey to stay the night, and I intend to go home and sleep on a REAL bed! MY real bed!! We'll also take Georgia home with us, and probably also keep Nanny Laurie for one more day (and night!) Sunday I'll come back up to stay until it's time for us ALL to come home to Pella.
Wow...what a week...
When you go to church this Sunday, Sing with Joy, for He has truly "made us radiant with Joy"


Marilyn Vos said...

Bev - how wonderful to hear that Val is taking the drug without side effects - God is hearing our prayers. We just pray that she will continue to heal and that you all can come home again. How wonderful that baby Georgia can come up - another gift of God's love to all of you. Isn't it amazing how much love a little one like a baby can give us and hope?? It is just awesome! Praise God and we will give Him the praise and glory in church tomorrow as well. I have asked our Coffee Break girls to keep praying for you at Osky I as well. Love and prayers, Marilyn Vos

Papa and Nana said...

To God be the glory GREAT things he has done!
Again it is all about God's timing and our trust and faithfullness in him. We are living out His plan and see from hind sight it's always for the best, not always the easiest but the BEST! I am so happy that Sunday is the BIG day for the homecoming. I haven't seen a list of names and phone #'s yet so that would be nice to get this all started beginning or so of next week. I am out of town Tuesday for a week so I'd sure like to get this organized so friends and family like me and feel we are doing what we can do for you all.