Saturday, February 28, 2009


I'm moving the blog from the KCWN web sight, so I hope you save us in your favorites!!
I'll be taking a one month leave from work, as I've used up more than my vacation time this past month, and I just don't feel ready to come back to work yet. As Val gets stronger, and Georgia sleeps more, I think I'll be ready, but not now, not yet, so my thanks to everybody at KCWN for keeping things going without me for another month. (It's amazing how much a person thinks they are needed, when in reality, life rolls on with out you!!)
I think today i'd just like to share some pictures of our life this past month, Enjoy!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I forgot to ask if you'd send the address of the new website to us please. I do love keeping up with what's going on and seeing the progress Georgia and Val are making. We'll be in Pella at Easter and hope we can see them both!