Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday night

what a long day....
We have been most pleased with all our doctors here at Mercy..and we are compiling quite a list. Dr Westburg is checking for things relating to the leukemia, we have a cardiologist, and a lung doctor, a respiratory therapist and a host of nurses. At this point, the official word would be treating for pneumonia, evaluating for heart. Tests show there has been some decrease in heart function, cause not totally determined, though it appears that the pregnancy could have been part of the cause. No matter the cause, the treatment would be the same, so meds have been started to get the heart function back.
More tests tomorrow, more evaluations, more nebulizer treatments, and hopefully, lots of rest.
We have been blessed today by visits from friends at church, who brought bags of goodies and much needed and appreciated prayers and offer of help. Just when we were trying to figure out just what to do with Georgia, Dennis' cousin Lori from Sou ix Center called with an offer to come and stay a couple days and get to know her better! We have gladly accepted this generous offer and look forward to knowing that Georgia is at home and being cared for with almost as much love as we could give her! We are sure there will be plenty of opportunities for others to get to know Georgia too, but for now, having her home will be a comfort to Val.
So, another day filled with unexpected events, showing us yet again how little control we have over our lives, how much we need to lean on those around us, and how God does take care of us, in big and little ways.
I am now on leave from KCWN. My co workers there will continue to run the station until I can return. I appreciate them taking over for me, even though I miss working and being the "morning girl". You can still read my blog through the station web sight.
Enough for now, time to make a sofa into a bed, and find the patient family pop machine and graham crackers for bed night snack..and say our prayers. Here at Mercy, at 8:30 AM and 9:00 PM, over the intercom, we pause for prayer. Tonight i was most grateful to hear the prayer with my daughter and husband...thanking God for watching over us in the daylight hours and asking God to be with us in the night time hours, bringing the comfort that only HE can bring. that is my prayer for all of you tonight too


Dee said...

We are keeping you all in our prayers. Love you so much!!

Marilyn Vos said...

Dear Bev, Dennis, Val and Georgia - we just want to send our love and prayers to all of you - God is good and He is so strong to give you what you need each moment. He is our Rock and in Him we have the love and strength that we need. We just give it all to Him knowing He is your helper in and through it all. May you find hope and peace in every trial. If there is ANYTHING I can do - please say so and I will be with you to help in whatever way is needed. With God all things are possible and in Him only there is strength for all things. God bless you all - Love, Marilyn Vos

mvaughn said...

I'm glad you told me about this blog. I'll be checking for updates. Let Val know I'm here for her, whatever, whenever. I'll be keeping you all in my prayers.