Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life on the 8th floor

we have settled in..the routine of vitals being checked, breathing treatments, doctor visits, meals on a tray, we have settled in. Watching TLC, (too many episodes of What Not To Wear, with a limited wardrobe in a bag..not a good combination...) checking emails on the floor computer, resisting the urge to rearrange the furniture in the patient lounge..these are the events that take up our day.
Val had a restless night, with night sweats (from the leukemia), coughing spells (from the pneumonia) and chills from, well, we're not sure about those. She is losing fluid, which is great for all her conditions, and we pray that today when she starts the excepted preferred method of treatment for CML that there will be NO fluid retention!! she's very tired...from all the illness, lack of sleep, and she did just have a baby 12 days ago!
Cousin Laurie is planning on bringing Georgia up for a visit again today..which will be great for mom and baby (and nana). We do soo appreciate all our "nannies" are doing for us!!
A call to our other kids reminds me that the world is still spinning outside of the 8th floor. Colby told me he is so excited about his teacher's husband coming to talk to them about India! Everyone could write down questions for him, and he told me he will be asking What was your favorite food, and what was your favorite movie...good questions!! Tysen got on the phone to let me know that Baby jessa got a shot, and that she cried, but he did not. Stacey's boys are still battling the stomach flu, to which Noah said he was hoping not to get "this" again. Henry who turned ONE on the 7th, and started walking that week, has now opted to RUN and KICK things across the floor. I fear that we lost Baby Henry and gained Big Boy Hank in about a days time.
I'm hoping in time to get 'back to work' but for now grateful for the time to take care of my family, and trusting with the rest of you that God will Provide the rest.
Can you tell I dont' have the opportunity to use all my words on morning radio? I've become rather chatty, so my apologies to those of you who only want the facts, but for those of you who know me well, you are not surprised..
Gotta go, Val will be back up for xray soon, and I think I just might have enough time to rearrange this room before I head back....
thanks again , always, for your prayers
Oh, we love receiving your comments as well! we cannot respond from this hospital computer without your email address, but we are reading, and sharing your thoughts with each other.


liz said...

Hi Bev,
I just disovered a couple of weeks ago KCWN online and was soooooooo thrilled to have the sound of home again. I've been in Bolivia for the last 2 and 1/2 years -- so KCWN helps me feel not so far away. I did notice the absence of your voice on the radio, and just heard the announcement about your blog. I did not know about Val. What a brave soul. You are all in my prayers. Take one day at a time. Much love, liz schepel

Miz Jean said...

Thinking of you and praying for all of you! Georgia included!! Hope you get plenty of rest...and lots of good news.

mvaughn said...

At one of my Mom 2 Mom classes we were talking about confident moms and i wrote this down....

God says to Moms:
"I will be your daily strenght-Draw on it!"
"I will teach you and guide you-Ask me!"
I will speak to you thorugh my Book and My people-Listen!"
You are not responsible for the result, I am!-Trust Me!"

I know you are exhauseted. Let Him be your daily strength. I'm thinking of you daily. When you're stronger i'd love to visit.Email me anytime at

Dee said...

ok, so like when you are moving all this furniture around and people come in in the dark to rest in the middle of the night and don't know, how many are going to miss the couch and land on the floor? You didn't tell anyone you did it did you?