Tuesday, February 17, 2009

it's supper time for us...room service for Val, another trip to the cafeteria for me!
Our afternoon flew by, mostly because of a visit from Dennis, our latest "nanny" Laurie, and baby Georgia! This was by far the best medicine Valerie got today!! An hour of holding Georgia brought back her mommie's smile, and i'll be happy to admit, i missed that little peanut too!!
And yet another confirmation that we have made a good choice, Val was wiped out after an hour, so Baby and her caregivers are heading back to Pella, and we'll rest here and concentrate on getting strong so we can ALL be together back home soon!
In your prayers tonight, be ever so thankful for the family that loves you, the friends that care, and for the God who gives us these little wonderful blessings.
Tomorrow we anticipate the arrival of the medicine to treat Val's leukemia. We're praying for good results and no side effects, as we continue to address her many medical conditions.
Good night all

1 comment:

Jodi De Vries said...

Hey Bev!
Hugs and kisses to you, Dennis, Val and baby Georgia! We love and miss you all very much. Hope to see you soon.
Randy, Jodi, Colby, Tysen & Baby Jessa