Wednesday, February 18, 2009

if you're checking this before bedtime, as i'm writing before 'bedtime', please add to your prayer list tonight Valerie's tolerance of the new pill that arrived today for treatment of the CML. She had her first dose around 6:30 tonight, and she became very ill an hour later. The evening had been rather sweet, after a wonderful afternoon with Georgia here in our room, Randy, Jodi and the kids brought Poppa Dennis and Grandpa and Grandma De Vries. As they were leaving, Ron and Laura B from church stopped by. Their words of encouragement are extra special since they know the experience first hand, from their son Brian's cancer 12 years ago. they are a reminder to us of God's faifhfulness and ability to bring healing and hope to a dark situation.
Before they left, Ron offered up a sweet prayer of healing over Valerie, as only a parent who's "been there " could do.
It was immediately after that, that Valerie became ill. After a few medications to calm the nausea, and the anxiety, she is still sleeping. My FEAR tells me that this reaction is the new drug. my FAITH wants to tell me that this could have been her healing, that the cancer could have left her body as we have prayed for it to do...
Would you just pray again for Valerie tonight..and above all that Fear will not win..but that Faith will remain.
thank you my friends

1 comment:

Julie Flory said...

Jennifer Van Wyk forwarded your link to me and asked me to pray for you and your family. We live in the house south of Leighton where your dad lived. I am so sorry for your troubles, but touched by your faith.
Julie Flory