Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday..As i sit in the newly arranged visitors lounge, i can see out the window lots of cars in the parking lot at Vets..oh yes, Boys State Wrestling.
We had rather good night, Val is still having lots of coughing spells, which are hard on her incision, and interrupt sleep, but this too should pass. Her meds are being regulated and watched for side effects. Good news is that last night she was able to take off the oxygen, and has kept that off so far today!! Soon it will be lunch time, and the 3rd Gleevac pill...I know there will come a day when I will stop counting them..but for now, each one that goes down and does it's job with out causing side effects, well, i'm just really happy about that!
We had a visit from Kim, Ryan, Riley and Nia this morning. They know the routine here at mercy as well as anyone. Nia said a prayer for Val and let me know that Sunday School was in good hands with Miss Arlys as the teacher..Just another instance of how life goes on.
I'd best hit the cafeteria before the lunch crowd..and we're anxiously awaiting our favorite visitor, Georgia Naely, who I think will come to spend the afternoon.
Thanks again for your prayers. Enjoy today where ever you are!

1 comment:

Papa and Nana said...

So happy things are going well. It was SO good to see for myself what is going on and so I continue to pray for you all!
I am in need of a list Beverly, please I would like to get this ball rolling this weekend. My email is
else give to Georgia and maybe that other Nanny can help get it to me. I know the appreciation of it all and the humbleness that all goes with it. I DO want to do this for you!!