Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday night
time to start to unwind for the day..and a good day it's been. Good news for Valerie, the chest xrays look better each day, and so the IV antibiotics will soon be changed to oral. The heart doctor reports improving numbers for Valerie as well, and so far, good reception of the meds for her heart. Gleevac 3 went down without a hitch, no sickness (again, I KNOW this is an answer to the prayers of MANY) Val is still very weak, quite tired, still fighting a battle, but we have seen signs of improvement.
The biggest improvement always comes when Georgia comes, as she did today at noon. Our nany Laurie took the day to catch up with Randy, Jodi and the kids in Sully. here at Mercy we had a nice visit with Martha, and then Dennis came up with Wavern and Bev. Josh arrived, and we left the happy family in 804, while i breathed my first outside air in 5 days! A meal at the Drake Diner hit the spot, even though i had to resist the urge to walk around the counter looking for the food you pick from a basket!
Georgia is now on her way home, and we'll soon start the nite routine in 804. Making the sofa into a bed, taking meds, watching a little TLC, and thanking God for another day of seeing first hand how Faithful he is, and how He works in little ways and big ones to provide for our every need. Kiss the babies in your house tonight, and say a prayer for ones that are not. And know that yes, God is good...all the time.

1 comment:

Sharon Ferguson said...

Hello Sunshine:
God is good ALL the time. Just seems like we need to be on our knees looking up to see love through others. BEV, take others up when they offer to help, they receive blessings through service.
I'd love to come up for some "girl" time,if you are open Sunday give me a call, its just a short drive.

Miss ya, Sharon Ferguson