Friday, April 10, 2009

GOOD Friday

We just got home from church...a moving service, reminding us of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, for me. We sang, "all the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them". that had extra meaning for me this time. I think of how I've given up so much, my job (which was more than a job to me, so much more...) time, a bit of myself, much I've "given" up, but still I'm left with more every time I do. So that helps me know it's a God thing..he's calling me to better things, I just know it..and one of those is the face I get to gaze upon every night around midnight....
A couple other faces have joined me tonight, Colby and Tysen are here, right now snuggled into bed with Poppa watching Bolt. it's a sweet reminder of what the really good things in life are.
I must admit, I've been with out a radio job for a week, and I'm missing it. But I still have peace about it..and to further prove that God has a sense of I received my first job offer since leaving do the morning show on a OLDIES station! I told them I would consider if I could add in a few rocking Third Day, Casting Crowns, Jeremy Camp, songs along the way and continue to be me...Talk about an opportunity to evangelize!
so you never know what's around the next corner...
All I can say tonight is
Ain't God Good??
I'll be switching the blog address to very soon, since I see my link and my bio have been removed from the KCWN is watch for the move..and the new sight is called...
a Better Day.
I'll explain that one later, it's time to fix a snack for the movie crew!
Happy Easter!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

THANK YOU..many of you have written to me since i posted this last difficult post. God is taking care of me, your emails have come at JUST the right time, so you taking time to thank me for years of sharing on KCWN, have ministered to me MORE than you'll ever know...
On the radio right now, Kathleen Carnali, Carry Me. and before that my new personal favorite..Bebo's Pull Me Out.
and why am i UP at 11:20 when the BABY is asleep?? I think God just needed to send me a postcard of assurance...
Blessings to you all tonight.
love you....too

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

When I first started this blog, It was to keep people I know updated about the changes i anticipated in my life. I could have never imagined how many changes there would be.
First and foremost, we've seen miraculous healing for Valerie. After a month of "chemo pills", her white blood cell count is normal. Her heart function returned to near normal within 6 weeks, not the predicted one to 6 years. She's still dealing with some medication issues, and regaining her strength after declining health for over a year. And we do have a 2 month old baby in the house, whose schedule does not always jive with ours!
Georgia is now 2 months old, has grown to over 9 pounds and as you can see from the picture, is doing quite well! Here she is all dressed for church Sunday, in her latest outfit straight from the Pella II consignment sale (if you missed that sale, don't miss it next year!!)) Her Baby Gap cotton dress came complete with matching sweatshirt, and socks! Dressing a baby girl is sure fun!
Now to the biggest change that I never thougth would happen. I've been debating what to do about my job at KCWN. My boss, Marion Vink, has been very generous in granting me leave for the past two months, and we had discussed the possibility of me being on leave til August. But I really felt that this would create awkward situations for the staff, not being really sure of who was managing what areas of the station. I prayed that God would give me a sign as to stay or go, and I felt that sign was clear to me on Friday morning. Val's health situation and our home circumstances are definitely improving, but other areas seemed to be stuck. So I decided for my own health, and for the good of the station, that it was time for me to leave. I never thought that day would come.
I went to work on Friday night with intent to pack up my office..which I did. it was amazing to me how God took care of me that night. He sent my dear sweet friend and former co worker, Cinda, to the station. We prayed together, shared a tear or two and laughed about how we would have never thought a year ago that we would both be former KCWN employees! Todd Rowland was working on air, but had a family emergency to attend to, so I offered to work on air for him. What a gift for me, that's my first love, sharing GREAT Christian music on the air, connecting in a real way with all of you. Todd's wife stopped by to tell me how I had helped her through Nurses Training..and how she would miss me. (Everybody has an ego that needs stroked now and then..Friday night was my night) I was reminded of the MANY great friendships I have been able to enjoy because of my work at KCWN. And then, we just played music...and I was able to enjoy again the MESSAGE of the music. I have learned over the years (13 of them!) that we never need to explain the message of the song, because God uses the words to speak to each of us in just the place we are. And he did that in a mighty way for me on Friday night.
My thanks to Marion and the board of KCWN for entrusting the management, music and airwaves to me for over 13 years. My thanks to Lisa Williams and Casey Wright, true radio professionals, who trained me and gave me the confidence to be on the air. Thanks to my family for putting up with my strange schedule over the years, and the weekend calls from staff, and running in to make sure all was well "at the station". My thanks to many of you who have welcomed me into your homes and cars and workplaces, showing an interest in my family, and often sharing yours with me. I have learned that your stories are unique and I have tried not to share more than was fitting on the air. But most of all, thanks to God for giving me an amazing place to share my gifts and talents. I pray He was honored and that you were uplifted, and that you could see from my life, that it's not always easy, it's often hard, it doesn't always work out the way you planned, but you can be sure, God is always good.
My prayer is that KCWN will continue to bring you the best Christian music, that the personalities will connect with you in your daily walk, and that KCWN will glorify God in all that it does.
thank you too for all your prayers for my family, this past year and in years past. Continue to pray for me to find a new calling, to continue feeling the peace I had when I made my decision to leave. And who knows, maybe the door that I have closed at KCWN will become a window of opportunity for one of you!
there may be more blogging as well, I need to find somewhere to use up all the words I used to use on the radio!
and wouldn't' you know it, the NIGHT after I resigned, Georgia slept from 7 PM to 1 AM! When she finally woke up , i told her, my dear little lady, did you just want nanna to quit her job and stay home with you? to which she replied with a HUGE smile, and then, I am not kidding, she laughed out loud!
God and my Georgia have the same sense of humor.
by the way, love to hear from you.
and I'll be changing the location of my blog...i guess calling it the KCWN new day isn't' really right.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

These are the boys, Colby De Vries a first grader at Sully Christian, Noah, in kindergarten at Pella Christian, Henry James, who just turned one, one of the "big boys" Randy, with his 3 year old, Tysen.

This is Georgia at 3 weeks and Jessa at 10 weeks! Hard to beleive how much they grow and change is such a little amount of time. We are looking forward to lots of fun with these two little gals, who will no doubt spend a lot of time running after the 4 boys!

This is me, Georgia, at 5 weeks old, i decided to try on something that was NOT pink...but mommie and nana still like to dress me up in ALL pink, or green, or lavender! I've even heard talk of a dress, and a headband with a flower on it!! I'll just keep dreaming of when I can go out and fish with daddy and poppa!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

doctor update: Val's meds are being adjusted, increasing the "water pill", which hopefully takes down the fluid, but that might also mess up a few other meds, and blood pressure..My but the body is a complicated and complex machine"! If yours is working anywhere close to "normal" tonight, you should go to bed very grateful!

A probably heart ultrasound in Pella on Friday, and then a return visit to the doctor next week, as we monitor symptoms and hopefully report progress next week.

Georgia says..good night, or time to party, I'm not sure yet which is which!